Charli XCX Panty Flash of the Day

Obviously, I don’t trust any of these celebrity puppets or anything they say. They are mo different than us, besides having enough confidence in themselves or their perceived talent, to sell it the fuck out as soon as an opportunity presents itself, basically losing any semblance of their self, and repacking themselves as whatever they need to be to keep up the momentum….and all it takes is a large sum of money…

For example, Charli XCX is relatively unknown popstar, the kind of popstar who I think toured nightclubs not actual concert venues, you know super low level…but then I saw some hype around her buying someone like Calvin Harris, or another Rita Ora fucker’s house, which could probably be countless houses, and I am sure Charli XCX, also from the UK is not far behind her on that quest to the top…but yeah, as you can imagine, the Calvin Harris house was sold for fucking millions, which means these tits, and I guess panties being glashed in what is real high concept content production, has millions of dollars…

So an uneventful, barely famous, failure in pop music, is worth millions, because that’s how the system fucking works…reward them so long as they are on the right side and can push whatever needs to be bushed…selling the fucking soul and it happens on all levels because society is based on money…so you can only hope that inflation makes money worthless, so a lot of these idiots end up on the street busking, or offering cheap blowjobs in our dystopian hell, the way they were meant to…and when they do, let’s hope she keeps this outfit for the job cuz she’s looking way less fat than she used to be, maybe from fitness, or laxatives, or eating disorders, who cares…PANTY FLASH!


Charli XCX Panty Flash of the Day August 3rd, 2021