Shitty Viral Song of the Day

I saw people posting this garbage….because they find it hilarious for whatever reason….

The concept of the viral song is make a song by someone who can’t sing, a concept that’s not all that new, I’ve told girls trying to get famous many times to do cover songs singing badly, and obviously someone did it…only it’s not a cover song…it’s an original song…and the bad singing isn’t clever bad singing or good bad singing…it’s not even funny bad singing…just painful bad singing…which I guess is the point…

Comedy has lost it’s fucking edge, that’s all I know….and people are so simplistic that shit like this can go viral…sad state of the world I guess…

What you’ll like about the video is the girl is being slutty in Church, which is probably what you shouldn’t like about the video, because the generation this is for, need more spirituality, they are empty perverted narcissists…and the idea of twerking in church like she was Madonna back when she sold her soul to the devil…is not something that will offend anyone…they already jerk off to priest / nun porn every few months…because the world is doomed….and this is evidence of that.

I guess she’s a cheerleader who has been trying to get social media famous….and what I’ll say I like about it is that she’s only got 2k followers on Youtube and 1700 on Instagram so she pulled off a bit of a win that girls with followers aren’t creative enough to do….

So whether I hate it or not, which is probably the point…it happened…and you weren’t the one who did it.

Not to mention it mocks low quality shit going viral while proving that talentless hacks can get views…it’s easy to game the system, I just haven’t done it yet…and probably never will.

Here’s her INSTAGRAM

Shitty Viral Song of the Day August 4th, 2021