Beatrice Bouchard Bikini of the Day

Beatrice Bouchard is a local Quebec hot party girl who I guess became an influencer on social media, because she posts hot pics of herself, and that’s about all it takes…you don’t need a skill, or to be an expert at anything, just be hotter and live better than the pleebs out there and win….

We’ve been conditioned to watch and envy those seemingly better than us, it’s just part of the social media fun that has ruined society…

Even the Elite are showing off their money like they are rappers….which you’d think would set off the broke people out there and make them angry…but they are too busy trying to find their own scam to get their designer purses or fast cars for their own instagram….it’s all pretty wild….

Beatrice Bouchard had a pretty solid boost to help her IG get those views and that is that her TWIN sister, the less hot but more successful, because she’s a pro tennis playing millionaire, to help endorse her, take her to the right parties, meet the right people, I mean they are TWINS after all….and if that doesn’t trigger your sister fetish, I don’t really know what will….two hot rich twin sisters….this one the hotter one…but collectively a solid womb explosion on their mom’s part….good job on that!

I had this idea I never did, because original content is a pain in the ass to coordinate , but it’s called the Sisters Series where sisters posing naked next to each other to Compare their vaginas…and assholes…and tits…and basically there overall nakedness…my kind of social experiment I’ll never do…but while I think about it…here’s the bikini pic of the better half of the egg.


Beatrice Bouchard Bikini of the Day August 5th, 2021