50 Cent Found This Amazing Pool Party of the Day

Remember when Gilbert Grape’s mom was shocking to most people, people couldn’t believe a bitch was that fat, and now you can’t leave the house without seeing one….go to WALMART you’ll know…they LIVE amongst us….

So 50 cent posted this on social, it’s amazing and his caption was better, something like “Wtf is this pool party, I think they ate all the men”….

My theory is that they ate as much food as they could for the last 20 years of their life, so all it took was some fat girl fetishist to offer them free food…..so long as they do a little bikini congo line from obesity hell….

All the fried food, PIZZA, Burgers and cakes they can….an offer they couldn’t refuse…

Either way, it’s a solid energy for the weekend, take it in…


50 Cent Found This Amazing Pool Party of the Day August 6th, 2021