Medical Worker Monday of the Day

All I know about Covid is that in the beginning they played up the medical workers as heroes, the medical workers loved the hype, it fed their egos which allowed them to get on the narrative, even medical workers at dental offices and in the non COVID wards would cry about hot much stress COVID has caused for them….changing in the car before being hosed down in the backyard where they live in their fifth wheel trailer instead of in the house because they don’t want to kill the family….YOU HEARD THE STORIES…fear mongering bullshit based on fiction not fact.

That led to these medical workers, or at least some of them to see opportunity, fuck “WE CAN GET TIPPED BY PEOPLE AT HOME FOR OUR NUDES”….ride that guilt like sick opportunist fucks. I mean COVID did really launch Onlyfans to the mainstream, it became the goto money maker to people bored at home with credit cards unaware that nudes are free if you DO NOT BUY INTO IT….

So all these opportunists everywhere lying to the public to push their agenda or because they fear being cancelled, misleading people….obviously are now no longer the HEROES they were for a year, because they are pushing the mandated vaccine and the medical worker heroes are resisting, you know since it’s not approved, or since they had covid, or worked on the front lines for a year and didn’t die, so are willing to take their chances…

So no longer heroes, but still nude, and I’ll endorse that….

Medical Worker Monday of the Day August 9th, 2021