Chet Hanks Makes Sense of the Day

I know I typically focus on the celebrity kids who have vaginas, but in this era, there’s no guarantee that Chet Hanks doesn’t have a vagina, I mean girls are out there elongating their clits EVERY fucking day…..

But this video is actually pretty important, at least in terms of the fall of society that has convinced people to become a part of, despite it being an experimental treatment for a virus that hasn’t been isolated, that’s being tested by FDA recalled tests, that don’t actually detect the virus, or distinguish it from the flu, so that 38 million FLU cases in 2019, turned into 1800 flu cases in 2020, because the other cases were called COVID in the rebrand….so now idiots everywhere are running to get shots, that they know nothing about, and they are even encouraging vaccine passports, like it’s not fascist and terrifying totalitarian….

So Chet is not pushing the storyline…which is important because he is in the elite, people have included Tom Hanks in the whole Satanist agenda, he was even at their big event this past weekend….they even thought his COVID was staged to push the agenda…

YET HIS OWN SON….is calling it a FLU and saying you’re all nuts…and people on social media are trying to pretend that they know more than him, that this is the reason to get the shot, but ultimately…IF IT Ain’t broke….don’t fix it…

TAKE your vitamin D you unhealthy propaganda pushing fucks….

Point being, the vaccine is a choice, if you really believe in it and really believe it is doing your part, despite evidence saying it doesn’t work…fine…but to try to mandate it on all people, to try to have tracking apps to get a fucking coffee like they dystopia that is france, you’re a fucking nutcase you doesn’t know how to fucking read, or who has never seen ANY scifi movies….

I don’t care if you’re vaccinated, but I care that people are trying to bully, shame, pressure and force vaccinations, and some of those people are the last people you should ever fucking trust…

I do care that people are encouraging population control in the worst fucking way ever….since they already track us enough…

So good on CHET for speaking out….MORE people should…instead these unvaccinated celebs are LYING to you that they are vaccinated….I can assure you that most of the rich and famous aren’t, but as we know they’re sophisticated and more important than us, so let’s all hop on the cattle card…YOU MENTAL CASES…

Chet Hanks Makes Sense of the Day August 10th, 2021