Cross Dressing Influencer Hired by White House to Launch Jen Psaki’s Acting Career and Push Vaccines on Kids of the Day

So the US government is hiring influencers to push vaccines on kids, who based on all the covid data, aren’t at risk of getting covid, but mask these motherfuckers up in the classroom and ruin their fucking lives…I see kids playing in masks in the park and it’s fucking demented on all levels…

But with your TAX dollars, they’re producing this shit, and that cunt Jen Psaki, who could be a Mark Zuckerberg Robot with a long wig, I’ve seen the side by side, but even if she’s human, she’s the fucking worst kind of evil, but for whatever reason I love seeing her in action, because she’s just so good at it….the kind of girl or woman, she’s a mom in her 40s, you’d have to hate-jerk-off to in every press briefing she does….I fucking love her, maybe not as much as Obama…but close….sure I think she’s horrible, but she’s just so fucking evil with her PR spin, masterful as fuck and I appreciate that talent even if it’s ruining society as we know it…

The point is that Fauci is supposed to be a serious player in the world, Psaki a government official, reducing themselves to being social media influencer clickbait should tell you ALL you need to know about society as a whole, what the retard generation connects to, but also that all these people think they are self important clowns that deserve followers too….everyone trying to be famous at the expense of the ADULTS out here with brains….

Luckily, some other weird influencer spoofs it substantially better…because it speaks to a little more truth that some vapid narcissistic approach to recruiting kids in the lamest fucking way, reminding us that influencers are half retard hacks who luckily went viral and who are overpaid for their creative input, they just don’t realize it….

So again, if you get your medical advice from the government, from influencers, from celebrities, and you don’t do your own research and see that this is all bullshit, we can’t help you….

Not that you care, you’re too busy jacking off to Psaki’s embarrassing acting…

The best thing in all this is that the VACCINE has nothing to do with SUPPORTING TRUMP….people need to realize this is health not politics, even though it’s really just politics….but these people actively defending vaccines to prove how woke they are is the wrong approach, obviously….it’s nothing to do with being woke….you socialist fucks.

In conclusion, I thought marketing to kids was illegal, or at least in need of regulation, but I guess the G-Man can do anything they want….even push EXPERIMENTAL treatments on children that could HARM them because they are not FDA approved and human trials are done…this is TOTALLY a dice roll by all people and the fact they are pushing it should scare you whether you are VAXXED or not…something’s up….be careful out there. It’s fucking silly.

Cross Dressing Influencer Hired by White House to Launch Jen Psaki’s Acting Career and Push Vaccines on Kids of the Day August 10th, 2021