Weed Wednesday of the Day

Get your smoke on motherfuckers, maybe it’ll tap into your brain, help you find your soul that’s been destroyed for the last 25 years or longer, just pumping you with nonsense noise as they get ricer and fucking richer…..maybe that will allow you to find your gut instinct…maybe that’s why the people in charge decided to make weed illegal in the first place….

Like Big Pharma has proven time and time again that they don’t give a fuck about your best interest, they just care about profit….I mean if they had their way, they’d force you to take an experimental, unapproved medicine, INJECT THAT SHIT IN YOUR BODY, without thinking twice….maybe they’d get the Government on board, get them to KILL off their voters or some shit, because NO ONE KNOWS what that medicine may do to them….BUT WEED….make that shit ILLEGAL….

The funny thing is that I had a sober friend, who had a prescription to big pharma’s version of THC….and I was like smoke the fucking weed you fucking fool…but humans make no sense…

The good news is that, girls who smoke weed, use weed as a prop to get that weed audience, I mean being an infleucner and nude model is competitive as shit….gotta find your niche….

Some of these girls look like they smoke too much weed, you know munchies, but whatever…

Weed Wednesday of the Day August 11th, 2021