Dead Amber Heard of the Day

We can guarantee that any pictures of Amber Heard dead, playing dead, being cast as a dead girl, or doing these weird post fitness hard nipple erotica that we’d hope would lead to her stroking. out, since she’s the fucking devil, or at least one of the demons working for the devils, and everything about her is fucking horrible…..

Not to mention she has some real weird bruising on her arms, which could be from an intravenous drug use, because she’s a crackhead, or maybe it’s from the COVID Vaccine, as capillaries they are a breaking down before you’re all killed off…assuming rich and famous people get actual shots, because I am sure they are getting saline knowing this shit is EXPERIMENTAL AND NOT APPROVED AND THUS DANGEROUS….

But ultimately, it’s likely something that Johnny Depp hate jerks off to, because she basically ruined the motherfucker, all with her mediocre attention seeking, now lesbian for attention seeking, new mom who didn’t even get pregnant, in some human trafficking baby harvasting weirdness….

I hate this garbage cunt or maybe this cunt that smells like garbage….left outside for the raccoons….in all their maggot infested glory….


Dead Amber Heard of the Day August 12th, 2021