Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I just saw some story about some British incel who shot up some random people because he thought he was a terminator or some shit, or because he was a victim bitch who felt like he was not good enough no matter how hard he tried and that everyone else around him was doing better than him, when they didn’t deserve it. He was pretty pathetic….obviously…I mean killing regular innocent people because you’re a fucking loser..disgusting…

But I couldn’t help but think to myself that this is the problem with body positivity and dating apps….The fat girls who would have been so desperate for love and attention that they’d LOVE a loser like that….are now getting fucked by black dudes who like fat chicks and white dudes who are less loser than that loser….

Basically FUCKING up the whole natural selection thanks to perversions, so these fat girls now think they are hot, find decent dudes to fuck nightly, all high on themselves…while being fat chicks….forcing the losers who NEED them and who have historically relied on them for pussy…because normal dudes would never fuck fat….all alone, left to their own devices and ready to shoot up a town for the sake of their virginity…

It’s unfortunate….let’s make FAT girls PIGS no one wants to touch again….DO IT FOR HUMANITY….

That said, I saw a girl flashing pussy outside on a park bench while rolling a joint, you know looked over her way to see her big hair box looking back at me…and I thought….IF ONLY THIS WAS A HOT CHICK and not some woke Blue haired lesbian vegan who clearly eats nothing but french fries all day…..

It’s always the blue haired genderless lesbian looking pig being reckless with her genitals because she probably doesn’t believe in genitals so air them the fuck out why not….

All this to say…make fat girls pigs again….

Here are some stepLINKS…..

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Cam Sluts! Cam Pussies!


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day August 13th, 2021