Ireland Baldwin Really Loves Nude Women of the Day

I had this post cued up a few days ago, there’s just too much slutty content out there that it’s impossible to keep up with all of it….

I figured it was another big girl Ireland clickbait or attempt to clickbait because being celebrity offspring is always a challenging place to be….not so challenging on a financial level but challenging on carving their own relevance…

The big Baldwin who is built like a school bus, is for the most part not that exciting, even when she’s in and out of rehab, dating girls, getting prison tattoos…that are ridiculous, comedic, and not hot….

But THIS time, it went viral because everyone says that the pin-up stripper tattoo is Kendall Jenner….

So Ireland’s finally figured out that way to get noticed….get a nude Kendall Jenner on your arm forever….and people with care enough to laugh at it and sometimes that’s all you need to get a job.


Ireland Baldwin Really Loves Nude Women of the Day August 18th, 2021