Kendall Jenner Ass of the Day

Kendall Jenner is part of the evil agenda, whether you believe in evil or not, the Kardashians may not know this about themselves, and they likely think they were clever to get on the social media marketing business early on by poaching the staff from the media company that was running their social media….

I am convinced this could have happened for any family, if they were positioned properly….and nothing they did was really impressive.

Kim launched a sex tape to launch their reality show with Ryan Seacrest, which normally wouldn’t end up on TV based on the leaked sex tape, but for whatever reason, no one gave a shit that she was a porn chick, who signed a porn contract before releasing her porn tape, that doesn’t matter, let’s SELL PRODUCT….gutter….

I mentioned this is the morning hangover dump, Kim K was second tier and would have done anything for a dollar or attention or both…and it worked out and the worst thing about it is that the people, the masses, probably the same people who get vaccinated, will do whatever the fuck they see the Kardashians do because they are just that empty and brainwashed….it is all by design, nothing is random…


Kendall Jenner Ass of the Day August 18th, 2021