Workout Wednesday of the Day

I was just in the store for no real reason other than to scope out slutty moms and I came across nothing buy obese ladies…seriously…so many obese ladies..

This is what happens when you normalize fat, tell people it’s ok and empowering to be fat, eventually the weak people give into their urge to be lazy and fatten the fuck up…

In the Eva Longoria post I just posted, I said that it’s funny that the government is pushing the vaccine, lockdowns and masks…instead of supplements, exercise and banning junk food…it’s almost like they want us fat and lazy…I wonder why…

Then there’s the whole bragging about the COVID 15, or whatever they are calling it, where ladies on social media are owning and bragging about how they gained 15 pounds or more by sitting on the couch, baking, eating shit and not exercising….like that’s a good thing…that’s a fucking DEADLY thing but as people line up for suicide shots…I guess they don’t care about that…

So when I see girls who workout, girls who are fit, or still vain….maybe they are learning how to survive an apocalypse, maybe they just want to look better when they fuck, either way, FITNESS is wonderful…people need it…and those of us who don’t do that shit because we are ok with dying….fitness on the right women is erotic…pornographic…a fetish…who knows…deep squat ladies.


Workout Wednesday of the Day August 18th, 2021