Francesca Eastwood’s Flexibility of the Day

Francesca Eastwood is Clint Eastwood’s hot Jewish daughter who I guess is almost 30….and as someone who is into the offspring of the rich and famous because it’s such a weird fucking existence to live off of the success of their father….a fun existence maybe, but all these people hate themselves as they live their permanent vacation boring but luxurious lives…..

You could argue that she hasn’t done anything important or of value, you know living in the shadow of an important man like Clint, but maybe that’s as interesting as you’d have to be to get by…I mean it is a society of leeches mooching off anyone remotely connected to greatness…

Plus she’s hot…so this kind of social media behavior is important and interesting enough for me…when bored in mansion, just post up pics of themselves showing off how flexible they are in shorts so that us low life losers can imagine how good they’d be to fuck, so long as they remain in that pose…..drinking wine nn a bra that we’ll assume tastes as good as it feels thanks to the other meds she’s probably on….rich people, mental health, you get it…..all while eating takeout despite having industrial ovens…because she may not be a baker, but could be if needed….look at all that oven….while thinking of putting a baby back in her oven….I mean this pose is how you get straight to the egg I hear….

Is this high concept, is that back fat hanging over the bra top, are those feet filthy, is that guy Carson Daily in a Hawaiian shirt…or is it STEVE O… many questions I don’t need answering, cuz I am too busy zooming in on her cunt.

In conclusion, I like her dad’s work, he’s a legend and he likes guns and you should too…NOW more than ever…GET GUNS…you know…for hunting and shit….

Francesca Eastwood’s Flexibility of the Day August 23rd, 2021