Medical Worker Monday of the Day

There’s so much information being censored, deleted, distorted that no one really knows what to believe, but what is for sure is that the FDA approved the COVID shot before they are done clinical trials, which is a medical first….as it normally takes 10 years to approve shit….but I guess not approving this shot the government is mandating would be a bad strategy when they are federally funded, but also funded by big pharma…not to mention, the FDA has approved all kinds of deadly shit…I watch antenna TV and see the ambulance chasing lawyer commercials…from Flipper Babies to Baby Powder..people been fucked over by medication….forever…

Now I don’t care if people want to get 2-3-4 shots., or if they now need the shots to stay alive because of some unforeseen glitch they overlooked in the clinical trials before rushing the vaccine….if you want to believe that at least 13,000 people died from the vaccine in the first week of getting it or not according to the government’s own tracking platform or not is your right…

The shots clearly aren’t working as expected, since people can get and spread covid when fully vaccinated…I personally know 4 fully vaccinated people who have COVID right now…and 0 unvaccinated people with COVID….and those people didn’t have COVID last year when they weren’t vaccinated…but if you want the shot or have the shot, good for you, you’re a hero to yourself and your family and friends, as you’re willing to die for the fight against COVID…a virus with a 99.8 percent survival rate…at least last year according to the CDC….

I just care about this vaccine passport shit, it’s going to end bad for everyone, in Israel you aren’t considered fully vaccinated 6 months after the second shot, and only with the third shot, which is what will happen here….all the vaccinated will be getting shot after shot after shot until they die and that’s a horrible existence for sure, I can’t even make appointments at my RUB and tug now that they don’t take walk ins – THANKS COVID…

I also care about mandated vaccines for workers, which is FUNNY considering I am unemployed, but I still think that’s UNFAIR to do to someone….especially NURSES and MEDICAL workers who last year were seen as heroes and this year are being fired for non-compliance….

What happened to the woke’s MY BODY MY RIGHT as they cut off their dicks, beg for their kids to get sex changes before puberty…lining up for abortions because they like the whole CREAMPIE sex to feel some level of intimacy with the random stranger they met on a dating app HOOK UP CULTURE…..

SO with ALL this CONFUSION….comes HEROES turned into ENEMIES of the state but luckily in all the overwhelmed hospitals they can still get naked to make some extra SCRATCH on their ONLY fans….guilt tripped into TIPS….I like the hustle….SMART naughty nurses….I just don’t like hospitals and the germs that come home on their pussies…but I guess MORE flavor…built that immunity like licking a DIRTY ass….GIVE ME E COLI….it’s my fetish…

Medical Worker Monday of the Day August 23rd, 2021