January Jones Nude of the Day

As society collapses and people are dying, so of the vaccinated people are having regrets or at least starting to question the storyline they were sold….”you mean I am going to need a third shot, I am not protected, but you said the vaccines were effective”…while other vaccinated people are still too scared to look into their own life choices, too much bravado to admit that they were duped, because they are SMART and DID the right thing….so they’ll target the unvaccinated people who are also being targeted by the system who have decided they are heathens who are trying to kill them, even though vaccinated people can give and get the virus…meaning…shit doesn’t work…you lab rat fucks…

I’ll hope for the best, but I do wish you read the data, and listened to people like me who were saying READ the data instead of being shamed into this cult mindset that makes no sense….

IT IS YOUR FAULT….but we can’t blame you for trusting doctors or what you think is science…or your friends and social circle…so we’ll say it’s NOT your fault that you were manipulated, that the doctors are showing their true colors as money grubbers…which I already knew. I don’t trust fucking anything… now you know you can ONLY rely on your damn self to know what you put in your body..

I AM ON YOUR SIDE….and I don’t know what vaccine booster will be the breaking point from the people who have bought in and are COMMITTED to this shit….but at a certain point, you complicit wimps will figure out the truth, you’ll be mad, but maybe by then there will be an antidote!

But point being…as all this is going on, I’m glad I can spend our FINAL days in the society we’re familiar with, looking at this shit. January Jones..the single mother, celebrity, who fucked her way into a career and is still posting up some HOT menopausal erotica….


January Jones Nude of the Day August 24th, 2021