The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

TRUST SCIENCE….that’s the shit you hear all the time….I’ll trust your science, you trust my science, or you trust your science, I trust mine, when really the science is science and it’s all available online to be read…whether it’s studies on how masks don’t work, how the vaccine doesn’t work, how it kills, all the covid made in a lab shit, you know it’s not like OTHER situations that have happened in the past, this is next fucking level evil hard at work shit and YOU know it….

So yeah, don’t listen to the science, question the science, but this science, the RATIO, I’ve done my fair fucking share of research, it’s really ALL i do and have done for many years…girls with the right RATIO are better….fact…it’s womanly, impregnate that shit, not manly, cum it it’s ass….

The Ratio Tuesday of the Day August 24th, 2021