Kate Hudson is the rich kid vagina that kills…or at least tries to kill and not just because it’s polluted but because it must be just that good…or good enough for Owen Wilson to attempt a suicide after she dumbed him…
I am sure that her vagina was very worldly and well travelled before she even became famous…these celebrity rich kids raised in their castles need entertainment that’s why so many rich kids do hard drugs…anything for a thrill or to piss off their parents…it’s so standard and basic at this point…
I remember she was a teen mom with some old dude like a typical broken rich kid looking for purpose…you know before her parents decided to give her a chance replacing her mom in all the movies….and now she’s a fitness con or fitness guru with a fitness brand making her heavy money as the next celebrity billionaire because direct to consumer shit works…even when youre a drunk plastic surgery scam squatting…
So here’s The Kate Hudson rich kid vagina that kills…