Christina Milian’s a sold to the industry at a relatively young age, so you know she’s been banged out properly and not just because she’s recovering from a recent pregnancy, but because her first pregnancy was with a high powered music producer who squeezed her name on some songwriting credits that keep the bitch getting paid…songs including Justin Beiber’s hit “Baby”….nice residuals for all the scammers involved….
Anyway, she’s in a bikini trying to be hot, despite being 40…and too old for this shit…but since she’s already rich, we know that she just does this for attention, an exhibitionist, maybe a sex worker at the highest level, I don’t fucking know, but I’m going to assume that bikini bottom strap is working overtime to contain that battered pussy….
Not that you care, I mean it’s Christina Milian, basically irrelevant, she just hasn’t figured it out yet…