Rowan Blanchard Wet of the Day

Rowan Blanchard’s living like a commoner, not like a Disney Kid she is, all covered in squirt and taking the subway, like she’s just finished a shift working for rich guys in their hotel suite for a payment….

This is the equivalent of meeting a rich fuck in their airstream at the trailer park you live in cuz you can’t afford fucking rent on a house, only they are there to be hipsters and get the selfies by the campfire next to their curated patio lanterns, you know the type….when the trailer park dwellers just want to be left the fuck alone and now they have to deal with people drinking their craft cocktails and whatever other lame bullshit they do on their macrame swing….yes…I know what macrame is…I was alive in the 70s you dumb fucks…

Point of the story, wet tight dresses are nice on every body…I mean I know that when I hear a rain storm rolling in, I always head to the grocery store to see the wet braless taking refuge…soaking…in air conditioning…you get the deal.


Rowan Blanchard Wet of the Day August 30th, 2021