Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I have known people who make fun of small tits, you know the idiot bro puppet who believes what he’s told, because he’s a simple or weak mind, and not because he actually believes in, he’s just going along withe the lie because it’s easier than either speaking out, being an individual, resisting the status quo, or even listen to their own boner that they get from looking at small tits….

I don’t know if dudes really give a fuck about small tits, as much as I think they do, but like BUSH, where men who are apparently into fucking girls say “ewwww” about a vagina because it’s got hair on it, the way it is SUPPOSED to, makes me wonder about them…and small tits get the same hate…weird.

Anyway, good things come in smaller packages, more manageable tits make for a happier life, and seeing women get ahead without needing to use their tits for attention, is pretty empowering too.

Small tit ladies have hotter bodies, I’ve always been about small tits, and guess what…they look more fit and feminine than the fat girls with big tits they are up against.

So if you’re a dude who hates on small tits, cuz you get no tits, I’m a huge fan of all tits, including SMALL tits, they typically come with hotter asses…a more important feature to have….

Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day August 31st, 2021