Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I like to think that all the trannies have forced the actual girls, many who have similar faces to said trannies, thanks to all those face injections that instagram made all the girls get when they didn’t need them….I guess instagram likes making people get things they don’t need…it’s kind of the whole point of it but maybe that’s just the society we live in and by default social media became some herding tool to get credit cards pulled out…it wasn’t by design…who cares..

The fact is that thanks to social media, where girls get the ideas they get for their own content, and thanks to trannies, where girls have penis which isn’t so marketable to guys who like girls who don’t have penis, so bitches need billboards pointing to their cunts to let everyone know it’s the real deal…the CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY….you get what I am saying….the pussy, the modern cleavage for girls who want to be known as girls so guys who like to fuck girls with natural born vaginas, not the inverted dick kind…since they freed the nipple…they needed another angle…THIS IS IT..and it is amazing.

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day September 1st, 2021