Charli XCX has Officially Sold her Soul of the Day

Charli XCX has been a relatively unimpressive popstar, she never really blew up like she was Rihanna, because clearly she didn’t sign the right deal…

She was touring nightclubs, circuses, honkytonks and dive bars for the last 15 years of her trying to be a pop star….and NO ONE GAVE A FUCK…

She’s wear her leotard, have her tits out, that was what she was good at doing…but no one gave a fuck…

Then this past year, I saw she bought Calvin Harris, who is stupid rich’s house, for like 20 million dollars, don’t quote me on that, but it was a lot, way more than you’d expect her level of celebrity to buy her, and I said….that’s peculiar. I guess when you’re in the system at the right level, you get paid even when you’re not that impressive…

That was until seeing this video today, where Charli XCX does her best Lady Gaga, she doesn’t even sound like her own self, and she’s at her own funeral, because her original self has died….that is if you believe in the whole symbolism in pop music videos, and I do, has officially sold her soul…hence the 20 million dollar house I gather…

The good news, is that the Good Ones, which is the name of this song, feature her tits, doing weird ceremonial demon shit…you know since the demons run this shit…and no I don’t mean China, even though China owns Hollywood, I mean actual demons…obviously…

Charli XCX has Officially Sold her Soul of the Day September 2nd, 2021