The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

As you know, science has been bastardized by the powers that control the COVID situation that is ruining our lives, because there’s been nothing but blatant lies about every aspect of this shit, and the mindless shills who can’t think for themselves are still committed to believing it, because they are so scared of the virus, which I am sure is getting more and more aggressive, because that’s what’s happens when bioweapons are used and created on a society of retards..

As you may know, there was a freedom of information act request that revealed your boy FAUCI, who evil people like James Corden, the little British Jester who yells at Americans on TV, did a song and dance routine, in what I call his FAUCI porn that they use to manipulate the mindless shills of the world….check the story out HERE , it’s important to know where the MISINFORMATION is coming from…

As you may know, science is asking questions, testing things, challenging things, but in this world…it’s just a catch phrase or marketing slogan…a “TRUST SCIENCE”…when they don’t use any science to get to here we currently are….just consistent fucking lies about EVERY aspect of this shit…and it is SO fucking obvious.

Their numbers are FUCKING lies…Everything is a FUCKING lie…But no one asks any questions, no one questions this shit, that’s fucking crazy….these people are fucking criminals…

HOWEVER, Science I do believe in involve the waist-to-hip ratio, which is actually pretty inclusive to everyone, unlike the vaccine passports, which are full on discrimination to citizens who should have equal rights….

But Science I believe in is that girls with a waist narrower than her hops is hotter, more attractive and sexier to men…it’s a trigger to allow us to breed in healthy women and not dudes….MAKES sense to me…

So here are girls showing off their ratio, some hotter than the other, but I’m down with being the judge of this RATIO contest.

The Ratio Tuesday of the Day September 7th, 2021