Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

If women behaved in person like the do on the internet, or if they behaved like they do on the internet back in the day before there was an internet…I would have probably had sex with far hotter women…because before the internet, the only girls I could convince to come over and do a tutorial in sex work, or that I could convince to show me tits at the bar, were the girls you probably wouldn’t typically want doing those things….NOT THE FIRST CHOICE….because average girls were busy being dignified and respectable….and the hot girls were busy being too hot to give you more than a glance of their cleavage…you degenerate pervert fucks….the only random pussy I’d see is if I luckily got under a bitch dancing on a speaker or table without panties on…not realizing her cunt was in the win..

But yeah, if women behaved like this, in person and not just on the internet for money, attention, etc…it would make Walmart shopping to fund the elites far more pleasurable…

Titty Drops are Titty Flashes of the internet generation and it’s magical in video, better in person, but since we are trained to be locked down retards, who needs human experiences you have you hand for that fool…


Titty Drop Thursday of the Day September 9th, 2021