Medical Worker Monday on a Tuesday of the Day

How dare I forget to post Medical Worker Monday…as they are trying to ban or make protesting outside hospitals illegal as the people protesting outside hospitals are medical workers against vaccine mandates…which is pretty wild, the people who administer the shots, the front line heroes, are against medical tyranny forcing medicine into them, even though they work with COVID patients on a daily basis…well DOESN’T THAT go against the bullshit narrative they are lying to you about….

I remember when they rooked the Medical Workers in by calling them heroes, getting them on board with their bullshit, by stroking their egos and making them feel wanted and important…well THAT went south fast….

I was originally against the Medical Workers producing porn to mooch off the hype around their career in the media, but that was before the media and the government turned on the Medical Workers…

So now I’m endorsing them, encouraging you to support them if you can, because a lot of these people are now out of work, over a SHOT they DON’T WANT TO Get, because it is not EFFECTIVE and stopping the spread of COVID, if anything it mutates the virus to be vaccine resistant, thanks assholes…but more importantly…YOU can’t force motherfuckers to get an experimental shot, and if you do, you’ll get pushback from those who have a fucking clue….

All this to say, get the vaccine that isn’t a vaccine if you want, but firing people over it, or not letting people in your business without it, is fucking disgraceful and you deserve all the lawsuits, lack of business, I fucking hope is coming your way….

Any company enforcing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports is a segregating piece of shit…because the data doesn’t support anything they are telling us.

Medical workers who stand up for this, who don’t comply to this, who don’t respect the gag orders they are under, and TELL the people the truth about VACCINE injury, about how inflamed hearts are not just a after thought, but rather a serious condition that ends in death in 66% of cases within 5 years according to the myocarditis WIKI…


Medical Worker Monday on a Tuesday of the Day September 14th, 2021