Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are TITTIES too…

I will never subscribe to the idea that big tits are any better than small tits, even if sometimes a big set of tits is a gift from god that may make you believe in religion again, now that evil is hard at work and it is obvious and after realizing that there has been an attack on relgion the last 50 years as they try to turn people into the heathens that they are…

So yes, big tits can be life changing to stare at, or inspiring at the very least, but that doesn’t mean that small tits don’t pack a punch…

They sit nicer, they look nice, they are manageable, they don’t have gross nipples, they don’t sag and the bodies they come stock on are usually tight…not soft…

There is a perkiness that may mean I am not a tit guy, but I love tits, so that can’t be it, I just like all tits, not specific tits, which is probably part of being a man….as men who are selective of the kind of tits they like are a little fucking queer….especially when they call small tits little boy tits as they do…how can anyone look at a woman breast and think of boys…unless they are queer.



Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day September 14th, 2021