Victoria Beckham Fitness of the Day

Here’s some old lady Posh Spice, not quite expired, spices last forever, I mean I still use oregano I found in a dumpster 30 years ago because waste not want not or some shit…

The only funny thing about this is the idea that Victoria Beckham does fitness, that shit is for the soccer husband or maybe the entitled brat rich kids, but not for posh…since I always took her for the kind of girl who just starves herself, but maybe that’s just what she wanted us to believe in her emaciated state of fancy over the last few years…

I’ll assume this regal rich kid turned pop icon from the UK is getting paid to whatever brand is across her old lady tits….because none of these people do anything for free…not even pretend to do fitness.


Victoria Beckham Fitness of the Day September 14th, 2021