Elsa Hosk Underboob of the Day

Elsa Hosk is a basketball star from Sweden who is better known for putting her Basketballs into her bikini tops and bra tops and even fully exposed, all painted to look like breasts, because that’s the way female basketball was meant to be played…

Unless these are just her real tits, I remember many decades ago learning that the average bra size of a Swede was a C-Cup or maybe it was a D-Cup and thinking…that’s the kind of place I’d like to go…you know Volvos, Ikea Meatballs and BOBS….

I guess the point of the story is that Elsa Hosk, the VS Model of dreams, has really performed well with the fans, without even letting her pregnancy get in the way of being someone we can rely on to jerk off to…which is so rare these days.

I am a fan and think she’s one of the hottest around, so you should be too, since you are me and I am you.


Elsa Hosk Underboob of the Day September 16th, 2021