Pussy Wedgie Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day

I’ve been a day behind on some of these posts all week, you can blame me for being a degenerate who shouldn’t even update this site to get back to living on the streets and dumpster diving like a true human, not the socialized one they’ve turned us into, with all these societal rules, but rather just a find some donuts in the dumpster outside Dunkin, head to the mall to sit in the food court to stare at the upskirts as they ride the escalator, or I guess the pussy wedgies for those not in skirts, because pussy wedgies are fucking everywhere….all this to say…it’d be more fulfilling than scouring the internet for pics of pussy wedgies for 12 weird fucks or less….11 of which are spam bots….LIVING the DOT COM BUBBLE DREAM over here….

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day September 16th, 2021