Kendall Jenner Ass of the Day

Kendall Jenner’s struggling her way through the pandemic, as so many of the rich and famous are, you know doing their private jet traveling to Jamaica when the middle class can’t, you know whether it’s for travel advisories, following the rules, or lockdowns, or testing and vaccine measures, maybe because you don’t like wearing masks, but since you’re not at the Emmys you’re forced to….

What I am trying to say is that THANKFULLY Kendally Jenner gets out in her thong bikini, where she gets to go to all those touristy places that are overly excited to have some business, all while not having to deal with the crowds that they typically deal with, making travel far more relaxing for people who would normally be terrorized by the fans, because social media has made these garbage people the leaders of other garbage people…

The good news is that her ass looks alright, probably not the kind of thing you’d expect the locals to be all that excited about, I’ve been on a flight to Jamaica decades ago, and half the plane was filled with obese white women with their half white babies coming to see their dad…you know targeted resort pregnancies…to add some spice to our lives…but still a decent ass on what we can assume is a piece of shit human based on everything they’ve told us about themselves…in this social media transactional infomercial existence we live in.


Kendall Jenner Ass of the Day September 21st, 2021