Halle Berry in Bed of the Day

Halle Berry posted this in bed picture with her legs up in the air like she’s heading into a gynecological exam, or maybe prepping for one of her minions to go down on her on command, because all these rich people have domestics and to assume that a rich person like Halle Berry doesn’t have someone on staff who will eat her asshole on command is just CRAZy….it’s probably the top 5 hires….

She posted this to promote some UFC chick fighting because she is the expert on UFC thanks to directing some movie called BRUISED, it was her directorial debut, available on Netflix on November 24, so this is the build up to that – I guess.

The storyline is a disgraced MMA fighter has to face off with one of the rising stars of the MMA with some shit about her 6 year old getting the mom he deserves


I’ll still look at her old lady tits being slutty, because Halle Berry, Hollywood’s answer to whitest black girl they can find to be a black actress so they aren’t called racist, at least in the 90s, before they decided that a white raised half black girl like drake wasn’t cutting the “black” card and was actually doing their best black face which in and of itself is racist…not that we should reduce everything to race…if the bitch is hot, she’s hot…whether she’s a tool by racist hollywood or not…


Halle Berry in Bed of the Day September 27th, 2021