Kendall Jenner Underboob of the Day

Look, it’s a Kardashian/Jenner hero struggling her way through the pandemic, not in mask, showing face, and bikini body because if you’re rich enough, the world doesn’t get mad at you for not locking yourself in your basement with an oxygen tank you stole from your dentist’s office after saran wrapping the doors so that the germs don’t seep into the room, but in the event they do, you’ve got a vat of hand sanitizer to help you power through it…

The world doesn’t get mad at the Kardashian/Jenners and their traveling non stop through a pandemic because they have work to do, brands to push, things to see…they have already accepted them as a superior class of human they NEED out there living so they don’t have to….

Now I don’t think that the Jenners in Bikinis on Boats living a better life than you is a big deal, she’s worked hard for this, or sold her soul for this shit, who knows…I just think it’s funny that people are so outraged except against celebrities and that’s weird….but not as weird as my enjoying her in a bikini when I should be outraged too.


Kendall Jenner Underboob of the Day September 28th, 2021