Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

We live in a heavily medicated society, where for the last 20 years, it became in fashion to have a mental health disorder, because it basically gave people the best excuse before “pandemic” for basically anything…because it was an invisible struggle….

The doctors were obviously as instrumental in medicating a huge percentage of the population, many young people, lots who were involved in mass shootings and suicides, since medicines have side effects, you know since it is medicine rewiring your brain, instead of healthy lifestyle choices, meditation, maybe shifting perception or perspective on things to deal with the root cause of your daddy, mommy or was once molested bullshit…you weak fuck.

The doctors were paid to push this garbage on people..and people ATE that shit up because it made them have that excuse….

Well, I don’t think that shit works…I think it’s a crime against humanity…and has destroyed a generation of people by turning them into shells….

Since antidepresants don’t work, do what I do, and stare at your boobs. Boobs are proven to be an anti depressant that thanks to the internet is free and doesn’t actually turn your brain into a pile of dog shit….but don’t take my word for it, I’m not a doctor, I just like tits and when girls make their tits drop on the internet for shits, giggles, fun, maybe money….because flashing tits should be the ONLY thing allowed on the internet…

Titty Drop Thursday of the Day September 30th, 2021