Josephine Skriver Nip Slip of the Day

Last week, or maybe it was two weeks ago, who can really tell in this covid brain fog we’re all under thanks to streaming bullshit all night while drinking myself to death…my kind of covid cure….

But yeah, some outtakes of Skriver came out, and you could basically see her full pussy in the hottest way, which is a fetish for those of us into pussy….even test tube pussy who was made in a lab back in the 90s because designer vagina built through GMO technology existed in the 90s and this one is the proof…

I don’t know if her DNA is corporate owned,I figured if Victoria’s Secret funded the experiments she may be property of the organization….but I am not a scientist so maybe she’s considered human and her unnatural birth wasn’t seen as anything unethical in God’s eye….what do I know..other than the idea of making babies in test tubes freaks me the fuck out.

What doesn’t freak me out, is Josephine Skriver, Transhuman or not, she’s a babe and this is her working out with a tit hanging out down her shirt like this was the 80s when girls wore big collared shirts braless so we can see full tit.

It is safe to assume she’s well aware that her workout tit is exposed making her ALL the better…the Danish dream.


Josephine Skriver Nip Slip of the Day October 4th, 2021