Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I had a conversation with a friend of mine who is a big believer in the vaccine passports and the vaccine mandates because he really believes in the vaccine technology and the whole conversation about the vaccine and can’t understand how anyone would turn down the shot, even if it is experimental…even if it should be a personal choice since there are about 100 different reasons why people wouldn’t want to get a vaccine….but I guess personal choice works against the whole divide and conquer narrative…what do I know…besides seeing people fighting each other over medicine they take and people who don’t take the medicine being seen as lepers who aren’t allowed in places…but the funny thing about it is that the lepers are still allowed in if they have the vaccine…

It’s all so crazy….

But yeah, I had a conversation with someone who’s into the whole bush showing up at everyone’s house to force them to take this medicine to get into the whole vaccine passport system…you know the kind of guy into segregation….while I don’t believe in segregation obviously, no one should be…but I can have a conversation about it…because I am not an emotional freakshow…

So my conversation was…I know this lead in is painful…but my conversation was that it’s sad people who were heroes are now seen as trash…literal trash…being thrown to the curb even if they’ve showed pure commitment to their healthcare jobs for the last 20 years of their life…getting suspended with out pay….to either pressure or coerce them to take something they don’t feel they need for the 100 different reasons as to why they don’t feel they need it….you can google all the reasons why you may not want to take a brand new medicine….

So here are these “heroes” now seen as trash who survived the first round of COVID working with COVID patients, likely immune to COVID…some single mothers with NO savings…willing to move back in with their parents over this crime against humanity….willing to pick food out of the trash over not getting this shot….and if you don’t believe is a crime against humanity…you’re fucking crazy…

We can argue about some things, but this is not something that makes any rational sense…and it’s actually pretty fucking tragic.

Luckily, they can go the OnlyFans route and do better than they did, which at the top of the pandemic i thought was trashy and pandering…but a matter of survival…and it is totally unnecessary.

It’s a sick world out there, but luckily, they’re naked to remind us how important these healthcare heroes are.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day October 4th, 2021