Rihanna Latex Bodysuit of the Day

Rihanna the Billionaire is schooling the kids who follow her….ALL IN THE NAME OF SELLING PANTIES on a large scale with a direct to CONSUMER brand that makes their products in CHINESE SWEATSHOPS…likely by the same people who make Victoria’s Secret Underwear, cuz we’re all buying the same trash, different branding, trying to be relevant…and it works out well for these celebs…and I guess for us…

Victoria’s Secret did get boring, plus they are involved with some bad people, so why not support a fresh and inclusive marketed as minority owned brand, even if that minority, who is also involved with some bad people, is already worth 100s of millions and her minority isn’t really anything to do with struggles to get a brand off the ground…she’s FUCKING RIHANNA…

I am all for her success, and her pushing lingerie, because she could have just as easily launched a business that doesn’t strip her down….

Now if you’re wondering what she’s schoolin the kids with, you know since she’s a huge star to people of all ages – UNDER THE UMBRELLA….her caption reads: I Ain’t Fuckin No One Who Don’t Deserve It”….where NO ONE is replaced with another “N word” and it’s not “Nazareth”…if YOU know what I mean…

Either way, here’s some solid AVON lady shit, even though AVON ladies of the past would probably be a hot experience, self starting house wives paying a visit midday to sell me make-up after having sex with them….the 50s were a better time…probably why China’s working on turning China into that morally sound national identity…


Rihanna Latex Bodysuit of the Day October 5th, 2021