Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I was trying to explain to my dog about society, since he’s my only friend….and since society is fucking insane and not nearly what the average person thinks it is….we’re all controlled, manipulated slaves….

But yeah…I said, we were all animals at one point, part of the herd, like you pack of dogs you hang with at the dog park, then one guy thought he was smarter than the other guys, and convinced all of them to make him their leader…and together they met up with other herds of people, killed them off, or made them join them, keeping their leader at the top…and slowly they started building infrastructure and the leader figured he should get paid for it, so he got them to give him everything they owned to be part of the herd, like a cult, only it was SOCIETY, so sophisticated..allowing him to remain at the top of the food chain…with ego, narcissism and the affirmations of the people giving him their money, the leader got more and more greedy, more and more egotistical…he thought of himself as a god…and in being god…he had to control everything….as time went on….and the herd got bigger, the infrastructure more modern and complex he figured out that he could take a portion of their wages, a portion off everything they bought, he could even take their money they worked for and “hold onto it” for them….using it to lend to other people for profit, never sharing that profit, if anything charging people to store their money with him….and with his profits he bought up everything, the food supply, the medical industry, no one was free, all were slaves but the BEAUTY of it all was that no one even realized it, just easier to go along with it….totally forgetting that at one time, we were all animals, living off the earth, connected in spirit…spending days surviving, not being the shit stains on society destroying the earth….

The future is not so bright right now….but we definitely had it coming….or at least deserve what we have coming….we did it to our damn selves and now there’s no real escape but remember…we’re the ones funding the operation working against us.

Needless to say, my dog wasn’t too interested in what I had to say and I’ll assume you aren’t either…

Here are some stepLINKS

Rita Ora in her T-Shirt for Happy Hour


Anna B is Naked in the Meadow Being Artsy


Miss Hooters in the Sun


The Evolution of the Bicycle


These things look cool reversed


BMW Rear Ends Another Car


Timberlake is Selling one of his Houses for 35 Million




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day October 6th, 2021