I like to blame WET SPOT WEDNESDAYS for my sleeping in on WEDNESDAYS, but the truth is that it is the end of the world, or at least all the pieces of the apocalypse are being put into place, so what’s the benefit of getting out of bed anyway, right…
I mean, I’d want to feel charged, but I’m no activist, so I just wait for the financial collapse and the pods they put us in, where they let us watch pre-selected content to keep us conditioned and happy…which I am sure will include porn…because if you can distract people with porn to turn them into mindless freaks…while they execute the plan without resistance…cuz we’re all busy with our dicks in the hand…
WET SPOT WEDNESDAYS were not designed to be porn to jerk off to, but rather a joke, because I was surprised people were putting these pics up of themselves, because static pics, not video building up to the wet spot looks more like a medical condition. TRUST THE SCIENCE.