Joey King Topless of the Day

Joey King’s making the moves because I guess she’s got tits and wants the people to know that she’s not just some average looking actress, she’s got TITS….NOW LOOK AT THEM!

I actually don’t know much about her weird child actor work, I don’t watch that kind of bullshit, I only know her from The Act where she played Gypsy Rose Blanchard and deserved the Golden Globe she was nominated for….but she lost to Michelle Williams, that weird ass Heath Ledger killer…and I can assure you Joey King was more impressive than that Broke Back Mountain muppet..

ANYWAY….like all young starlets, she can only speak to her demographic if she talks sex, acts sex, is sex….

I accidentally watched a big Youtubers podcast, she’s a slutty big tit girl named Tana that for whatever reason, probably because Google makes bank off her, making her more important and relevant than people with actual talent or celebrity, because we’re a low standard easy to entertain mindless and medicated people and I thought to myself “who listens to this shit”…she was basically just telling stories about going to dinner and being rich as shit and useless with a staff…and that’s not to say she doesn’t deserve the money, why give it all to google if that’s what people care to hear about, it just puts people like Joey King, who have the support of the dying industry in a place where she’s gotta post topless pics to get noticed, even though the machine, likely a dying machine, I have no hope for Hollywood surviving….they’ve done terrible in keeping up…but at least they’ve reduced it to “get more views if you show them titties”…cuz I LOVE TITTIES!


Joey King Topless of the Day October 7th, 2021