Milf Monday of the Day

I don’t know if I full subscribe on the conspiracy that there is an attack on the traditional family, but when I see the media lie to the people about getting together on Canadian Thanksgiving, or Christmas throughout this pandemic, you’d think there was an attack. They don’t want us together.

I don’t know if I subscribe to the system trying to indoctrinate the kids, but when I see parents being denied information on what their kids are being taught in school, and when they ask and find out they are learning weird ass diddler-normalizing graphic novels, only to be listed as a domestic terrorist for getting involved…you have to think there’s an attack on moms..

When you see that California is now trying to mandate vaccines on kids 12 or over, when there’s no long term data on whether it will sterilize them, while the people making those laws aren’t even giving their own kids the shot, but are telling you that they run your kids…

So there’s a real attack on moms, they aren’t even being called mothers anymore, just “BIRTHING PEOPLE” to totally destroy the sanctitude and wonderfulness of motherhood, which most moms you talk to will tell you is their greatest an most important achievement, even though getting fucked hard and cummed in the wrong time of the month seems pretty easy to do…

I guess some of these moms out there are dealing with the stress of motherhood in a society that’s making it harder and harder to be a mother as the state wants to own the kids they’ve made like the sick fucks they are….and a great way to deal with depression is showing off that naked mom body…

Here are some moms naked, self proclaimed moms naked, trying to remind you they aren’t damaged good even though they’ve been through the wringer at least once, celebrating motherhood the way we can appreciate….TITS FIRST…and naked…

Milf Monday of the Day October 11th, 2021