Selena Gomez Topless of the Day

I don’t know what this Selena Gomez selfie where she’s holding her tits is from and who really cares…it is just s nice reminder that where there is a vagina, there is a slutty selfie, and that even the most famous of stars, who were never known for being slutty, even if behind the scenes they’ve been slutty for all the execs along the way, is out here with her tits behaving like a basic girl trying to get noticed, but is ALREADY noticed….

So when Selena Gomez is doing slutty content, that may not be slutty in this throat fuck era of “look how many sharpies I can put in my asshole” kind of way, but in the world of top celeb like Selena Gomez, is basically the same thing….because there’s a heirarchy of the nude selfie for attention and when you don’t need to be nude and any selfie you take will get millions and millions of views, being topless in it is next level thirsty…and motherfucker, I like to drank not that Selena Gomez’s body is all that great, now that she’s chubby and her belly’s hanging out, but it’s still a topless Selena Gomez and that’s enough.


Selena Gomez Topless of the Day October 11th, 2021