Rita Ora Topless of the Day

As we go into the weekend, her’s some Rita Ora, who is famous for more than just her tits, but who I think is only interesting because of her tits.

This is a good reminder that if you can get outside topless, or if you have a chick you can convince to get outside topless this weekend, you probably should. It’s good for the soul…and probably for the body because the sun energizes you and gives you that vitamin D you need…but don’t tell anyone, they’ll just push cancer causing sunscreen on you, by telling you the sun gives you cancer, when really the sunscreen does and it helps them sell other medicine for cancers all made by the same manufacturers…hilarious…ALL FOR PROFIT…let ’em die so long as they need our meds while they’re doing it. LOL. HILARIOUS.

Anyway, these shoes are also pants, but I’m staring at the tit in front of what looks like a barn because Rita Ora’s doing country vibes, like she’s some kind of prepper off grid working the land because of the impending COLLAPSE….



Rita Ora Topless of the Day October 15th, 2021