Jessie J Nude Bra of the Day

Jesse J is the 33 year old UK popstar who I remember being a big enough deal about 10-15 years ago, but not THAT big of deal. She’d wear leotards when that was exciting enough for people who run outdated websites about GIRLS, in an era where writing stories based on girls is sexist, toxic masculine, or misogynistic…even though every guy I know used to rent movies based on what hot chick was in said movie…and likely only listened to music by girls they could jerk off to, because they’d be jerking off to their music video and listening to the music by default…

I don’t think Jesse J was ever that impressive, or hot, but I’m sure she made a lot of money and in this society, that’s all that matters.

Her most recent claim to fame was the WTF moment of her being Channing Tatum’s rebound after he left his slutty dance wife, who may not be the hottest bitch out there, but was substantially hotter than this slob.

At least she’s half naked, you know doing the important work of a mid-30s woman, just trying to get fucking noticed, in the lamest and low hanging fruit way…

Here’s an idea, why not use some of that money, to produce something inspiring, life changing and of quality….instead of just posting pics of your underwear that you took of yourself you lazy bored fucking nobody.


Jessie J Nude Bra of the Day October 18th, 2021