Selena Gomez Fat Tits of the Day

I don’t know if this is an actual picture of Selena Gomez because it looks like some sort of hack photoshop job, but I am not a reporter, this is not news, I am all for misinformation and fake news in part because it’s usually truth….but when it’s applied to topless top tier celebs, just pulling their engorged mom in need of breast feeding looking tits out for some sun, you know for the LOLZ…it’s amazing….

I am not a Selena Gomez fan, I’ve laughed at her chipmunk LUPUS bloat, she’s always been a creepy looking midget to me, but I don’t hate the bitch…I mean that would require caring….

She’s probably the worst coddled and entitled puppet of the industry, but she did produce and put together SPRINGBREAKERS so there’s some raciness to her resume…but never this kind of racy, not that showing tit is that racy, it’s just not really expected.

I guess there would have to be some raciness involved in becoming a top tier child star to adult star, you know that shit comes with a price….and she’s seen some shit beyond Bieber’s boner….

Maybe her Kidney transplant wasn’t even due to the LUPUS but rather part of their weird rituals…I DO NOT KNOW…or really care, I’m loooking at a swollen tit that I didn’t expect Selena Gomez to have…even though I’ve been saying she’s had breast implants since her Kidney Transplant or that she could just be fat…..I’ve never had to face the reality of that….and may not be now…since it’s probably not Selena Gomez, but let’s run with it anyway, because tits being flashed, celebrity tit or not, is EXCITING….for a celebrity based website like this…even though I don’t give a fuck about celebs and think Hollywood is the fucking worst stain on society…despite watching movies all day like the mindless shill I am.


Selena Gomez Fat Tits of the Day October 20th, 2021