Anna Camp Short Shorts of the Day

I can say with confidence that I do not give a fuck about some 40 year old actress named Anna Camp….I didn’t watch True Blood and I was too busy jerking off to Fat Amy in the Pitch perfect series to even notice her.

But I do notice the shorts….

As it turns out she’s a good South Carolinian and member of the Demoncratic Party…so you know she’s into satan….did a little SELLING OF HER SOUL to get this fame…she’s claimed to have “Long Covid” so you know she’s pushing agendas and full of fucking shit…but you may only catch on when she decides she’s transgender after her 12th vaccine….when she starts visiting your kids at their schools for some Pitch Perfect Tour brought to you by Pfizer to help the vaccinating baby program that will likely kill a lot of babies….FULL OF SHIT…maybe that’s why her ass looks so full.


Anna Camp Short Shorts of the Day October 22nd, 2021