Dove Cameron Weird Again of the Day

Don’t do any research on Beta Kitten programming, because it will give you a totally different perspective on all these Disney Produced starlets, especially the ones who produce some of the weirdest, creepiest, dead eyed shit like this…

Dove Cameron, who I only hear about when her boyfriend was had an Untimely Death, one of Natural Causes at 20 years old, as 20 year olds die of natural causes all the time…even before the clot shots…his name was Cameron and he was in Adam Sandler movies….

Point being, her real name isn’t Dove, her actual father committed suicide for being gay, even though I thought gay meant happy and thus not something you’d suicide over….I mean the whole killing yourself for being gay thing is fucking weird…just go fuck some dudes…

I’ve actually been accused of being gay, I have a gay twang when I speak, I blame low testosterone, but you’d be called a homophobic hate crime if you said gays had lower testosterone….but yeah, I get called gay all the time…I have a site that makes fun of hot famous chicks…what could be gayer….but I always say if I was gay, I’d be fucking dudes…it’d be easier than fucking girls…and there’s amble dudes to fuck…so that argument just doesn’t hold much weight…it’s called a BATH HOUSE…

The point is, this is smutty, slutty, creepy, maybe even ceremonial or a ritual….and it’s right out of a horror movie….like is this a human, is she ok, doesn’t make me want to jerk off to a celeb, it makes me want to find people who know her to save a bitch…which is the TOTALLY wrong approach to my daily analysis of celebrity social media posts that I do in these parts…

WEIRD AS FUCK….but she’s a skinny blonde in a nightgown with her tits out, so besides the demonic, soulless, dead eyes, in what seems like a possessed horror basement prison, it’s about as good as a cry for help could be….right!


Dove Cameron Weird Again of the Day October 26th, 2021