Heidi Klum Lingerie of the Day

Other than the screenshot at the top where it looks like Heidi Klum’s ass has lost it’s elasticity because she’s old as shit, you like like it’s being whipped around like a tire that lost its treads on a truck that is no rushing to get your Amazon orders because there is a supply chain issue….

So other than the fact that her skinny, skin hanging off her where her ass once was….like her ass is like a fleshy garbage bag 1/10 filled with water….

She’s looking pretty good..

Just yesterday, I saw some 2001 Heidi Klum photoshoot, probably on the forum, and thought “she looks better now”…which makes no sense since she’s had a dozen kids, has had some weird sex with really big penis, so that you’d expect her vagina to be dangling in the wind like it was her ass cheek….

I don’t know how that makes any sense, I mean it doesn’t make any traditional biological sense…but she could be a robot, or she could be a product of Eugenics, I mean she is German and they were and still are really into eugenics…so that they can make their bitches as hot as possible…not a bad campaign, despite it being a little “playing god”…which by definition is evil…BUT AT LEAST THE BITCHES ARE HOT…well into their 50s…even after shitting out a dozen kids…so stop HATING…not that anyone is hating…everyone is fetishizing these evil fucks pushing Eugenics on YOU.


Heidi Klum Lingerie of the Day October 27th, 2021