Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Who needs kids anyway!!

I still think it’s funny that people are mad about dogs being eaten by flies, but don’t give a fuck about doing experiments on kids. The FDA has admitted that they don’t know how safe the vaccine is for kids, until they start jabbing the kids….

So parents, mad at the dogs, are lining their kids up for mandatory shots blindly, and being on the sidelines watching is fucking crazy.

I don’t even like kids, I don’t look at kids and see them as anything but annoying creatures who will disappoint us when they are running the world in 25 years…as if we’re going to be alive in 25 years…LOL…

Yet, I am passionately against giving kids a shot…I yell at people about it and I don’t even like kids….it’s ABUSE.

This is an experimental medication, long term side effects are unknown and kids are not at any risk of dying from COVID…

They are coming for you and for your kids…good luck with that…fools…the corporations finally own the governments and the media….and THUS…you..

Remember, they only go as far as we let them, and we let them go very fucking far, because we are mindless shills who just do what we are told and try to follow the rules,

So at a certain point, you have to ask yourself if they are just trolling you, fucking with you, to show you how far they can push you, because this can’t be real…

So as I sit here watching ppl cosplay that life is normal, anxiously waiting the Dexter reboot or Tiger King season 2, or what dicks the Kardashians put in their fake rich asses….when they are literally coming after the kids….they will FORCE kids to get this shit to live life…for sports, school, travel, EVERYTHING…..I have to wonder if everyone has gone mad.

THIS IS KIDS….who needs kids anyway, kids eat food, they make railings at the park sticky, they cry on planes, they ask too many questions, they play too many Videogames….

If anything maybe they are better suited as subjects of an admitted science experiment by the same people approving this shit…people are getting sick and dying with the shot and it isn’t stopping the spread of COVID…so mandating kids to get this shit…that’s a fucking extermination program, or at least a way to make the kids slaves to the state, where the state is BIG PHARMA….


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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day October 27th, 2021