Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Assholes are the gateway or the window to a person’s soul, which is why I ask every girl I am demanding NUDES from to send me a pic of their pussy with their asshole in it, so that I know they are real…so that I know they aren’t just sex dolls…but rather living, breathing, and shitting creatures…not that women shit, but there are rumors that they do…it’s part of their agenda to make you think they are just like you…

I mean unless you’ve fucked a girl up the ass before she took a shit and end up with shit on your dick…which will totally discredit my asshole science…..

FINE…maybe women shit, but I’ll just pretend they don’t…like I was the designer of the thong….who clearly didn’t factor in potential moments of blowing your ass up after let’s say Taco Bell, or Laxatives used as part of the fitness program….you know…this motherfucker clearly thought “girls don’t shit themselves”…

Works out nicely for guys like me who are into the asshole, who demand asshole with every pussy pic, cuz it allows girls to show their assholes, without having to ever take the panties off…

WHY DIDN’T I INVENT THE THONG…oh right, cuz I am a useless fuck incapable of achieving anything, luckily there are other people to do it for me.

Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day October 28th, 2021